Attend Covenant of Grace?

Join us on Sunday morning

If you're new to the area, searching for a church, or looking for answers,
our Sunday morning service is a great place to start.

What to Expect

Here's what a typical Sunday morning looks like in 5 simple steps:



We have two services every Sunday: 8:30 and 11 AM. Dress up or dress casually–feel free to wear what’s comfortable for you, and you’ll fit right in.

Covenant of Grace is located at 3400 Copley Road, Copley, OH. There are signs directing you to the service as you pull into the parking lot. A friendly face will greet you at the front door.

Have Kids?

We love children! We offer classes for children from nursery to 6th grade. Children begin the morning in the main meeting with their parents. Just before the sermon begins, children are dismissed to their classes. If you prefer to keep your children with you, that’s also perfectly fine. A nursing mother’s room is located downstairs with live video footage of the sermon.

The safety of your children is a priority to us. All children attending class are checked in to ensure their safety. Additionally, we require all of our volunteers to go through background checks, additional training, and pastoral approval.




Our entire Sunday gathering is worship, and one expression of that is through singing. Our music is a mixture of contemporary and traditional. We typically begin our service with 20 minutes of singing, and this time serves for us to corporately and passionately worship our worthy God. As we sing together, we experience God and our faith is strengthened.


The most important element of our Sunday service is the preaching of God’s Word. Each week, you can expect a 45-minute Bible teaching. We typically preach through a book of the Bible and occasionally have a topical series. Our sermons are based on the inspired text of Scripture, centered on Christ, and applicable to everyday life.



Get Connected

We will have a gift for you when you arrive and you are invited for coffee and conversation after the service. One of our favorite things to do every Sunday is to fellowship, building one another up and pointing each other to Christ. You are welcome to linger with us, and our pastors are glad to chat with you at any time! You will find that the members at Covenant of Grace are welcoming, friendly, and helpful. Join us on a Sunday morning and learn about the various ways to get connected to our community throughout the week.


ChristmaS EVE

Join us at Covenant of Grace for our Christmas Eve services.

8:30 AM & 11:00 AM | 5:30 PM Candlelight Service